PT Indo Traktor Utama Buka Peluang Kerja untuk Posisi MECHANICS 1 & 2, Yuk Apply!

- 23 Mei 2024, 10:10 WIB
Ilustrasi. Lowongan Kerja/Pixabay
Ilustrasi. Lowongan Kerja/Pixabay /

Experience with heavy equipment (will be an advantage)

Have a driving license (SIM) type A

Willing to be placed in all over Indonesia

Location: Balikpapan, Jakarta

Baca Juga: Mauricio Pochettino Out! Eddie Howe Muncul sebagai Kandidat Manajer Chelsea 

Job Description :

Carry out work as best as possible according to the Work Order (WO)

Maintain and maintain workshop equipment, tool boxes and existing facilities

Create work reports (ITC) and daily activities (DTC)

Responsible for the vehicle being worked on


Editor: Yuliansyah

Sumber: lokerBUMN


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