SM Entertainment Indonesia Buka Peluang Kerja sebagai DIGITAL MARKETING SPECIALIST, Tertarik?

- 30 April 2024, 10:15 WIB
Ilustrasi. Lowongan Kerja/Pixabay
Ilustrasi. Lowongan Kerja/Pixabay /

Stay abreast of social media trends and industry news to seize opportunities for innovation and optimization.

Monitor and analyze performance metrics to assess the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Collaborate with the marketing team to devise and implement integrated marketing communication plans aligned with company objectives and audience preferences.

Work closely with the creative team to produce visually compelling and impactful marketing collateral, including graphics, videos, and multimedia content.

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Qualification :

Bachelor’s degree from any major with 2 years of relevant work experience

Able to develop digital marketing plan and monitor social media trends and industry

Strong communication skills to negotiate with media and KOLs

Understanding and knowledge of Korean Entertainment


Editor: Yuliansyah

Sumber: lokerBUMN


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